
大量翻译例句关于atwholesaleprice–英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。,进货价格不是由当事各方确定的,而是由法院通过适用《销售公约》第55条确定的。Thepurchasepricehadnotbeenfixedbythepartiesandwasdeterminedbythecourt ...,批發價...thepriceatwhichgoodsaresoldtoshopsbythepeoplewhoproducethem,ratherthanthepricewhichthecustomerusuallypaysinthe ...,批發價...thepriceatwhichgoodsaresoldtoshopsbythepeopl...

at wholesale price - 英中

大量翻译例句关于at wholesale price – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。


进货价格不是由当事各方确定的,而是由法院通过适用《销售公约》第55条确定的。 The purchase price had not been fixed by the parties and was determined by the court ...

批發價| 繁體中文-英文翻譯-劍橋字典

批發價 ... the price at which goods are sold to shops by the people who produce them, rather than the price which the customer usually pays in the ...

批發價| 繁体中文-英语翻译——剑桥词典

批發價 ... the price at which goods are sold to shops by the people who produce them, rather than the price which the customer usually pays in the shop:.

trade price

trade price · ph. 同業賣價;批發價格 ; trade price · ph. 同業賣價;批發價格 ; trade price. ph. 批發價 ; trade-in price. n. · 貼換價 ...


If your price is favorable, we can place the order right now. 如果你們價格夠優惠,我們可以立刻訂貨。 The price you offered is above previous prices. 你們報的價 ...


· Recommended price 建議售價​ Example: The recommended price of a new Mango TV2.0 is $8,600. (新款芒果TV2.0的建議價格8,600元。)




議價(price negotiation/counter-offer) ... 議價時講求的是雙方在購買價格上達成共識,因此可以先提出以下疑問:. Is there any flexibility on the price?

商業英文:各種價格Price 相關英文單字教學
